Why Doesn't Oprah Take Down the Herman Rosenblat Story from Her Website?

Why Doesn't Oprah Take Down the Herman Rosenblat Story from Her Website?

Thursday, December 23, 2004

Why Doesn't Oprah Take Down the Herman Rosenblat Story from Her Website?

Dear Dr Lipstadt, [and Dr Waltzer and Sharon Sargent and Colleen Fitzgerald]

Why Doesn't Oprah Take Down the Herman Rosenblat Story from Her Website?

Although you earlier said you would no longer blog about the sad
Herman Rosenlat "memoirs" affair, since the book has been
cancelled before its scheduled publication, there is one more point
that I feel needs to be made on your blog here, where other
members of blogosphere can chime in with their points of view, pro or
con. The question must be asked, were those of us -- and there were
many working on this issue, from many different points of view, and
with different professional credentials, and it was merely an informal
team -- were those of us who worked on cancelling the book really
successful? Yes, the book was cancelled, and the children's book
"based" on Mr Rosenblat's backstory he told on Oprah's show two times
was also recalled and cancelled, but there is a new and improved book
coming out soon, sometime in 2009, according to news reports, and
although nobody knows what form this new book will take, it is
apparently going to be based on Herman's backstory, the same story he
told on Oprah and in his memoir. And plans for a motion picture about
Herman's life is also in the works, although production has not
started and may never start.

So in a way, we lost. Herman's story will appear in some kind of book
this year, from a new publisher. A movie "might" be made at some
point, but the movie won't appear, if ever, until at least 2012. And,
and here is the main point I want to make and ask your advice, and
also the advice of Dr Ken Waltzer and his team of researchers and
forensic experts who exposed the fraud of Herman's memoir, the
backstory remains online with text and photos of Herman and Roma on
the Oprah Winfrey homepage. With a disclaimer, yes, saying the Penguin
book was cancelled, and Oprah has admitted now on her show and to the
AP reporter Jim Suhr that she was fooled. So why does she leave
Herman's backstory up on her website, as one of the most remarkable
love stories ever told on her show?

With the new book coming out this year, the movie still in
pre-production stages (with principal photography due to start in
April in Hungary) and with Oprah's leaving the backstory up on her
homepage, our victory was a hollow one. We didn't win. In fact, we
lost. Can you explain to me how Oprah is allowed to keep the false
backstory, blind date and all, on her website for all the world to


Danny Bloom

Question Man in Taiwan, Looking for Answerpeople to Answer My Questions Here
